One hour into the new year the dept received its first alarm. A outside fire call was received by dispatch and transmitted. Chief 30 arrived and found an outside dumpster Fire burning. E-3 arrived 1st due and initiated operations for outside dumpster Fire operations. A hose line was stretched and fire was darkened down. E-7 along with E-15 arrived and performed overhaul operations under supervision of operations chief 33. The district fire responders were on hand in the event of any injuries. There was no extension to any structures and the fire was placed under control in 25 minutes. No injuries were reported.
1st due E-3 members stretched a hose line.
2nd due E-7 & 3rd due E-15 arrived and overhauled fire area and checked any structures in area for extension.
Crews from E-3, E-7. & E-15 work to extinguish outside dumpster fire.